Confused about the difference between a hyphen and a dash? If you are not sure about how to choose the correct one in your writing, this post is for you.
Hyphen (-) and a dash (–) may look interchangeable, but each has a distinct purpose, and their correct use can improve the clarity of your writing.
The use of these punctuation marks also depends on the style guide you follow. Here I explain how to use them in general, and also share a few guidelines based on a few authoritative style guides: the Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS), the Associated Press Stylebook (AP), the American Psychological Association Style (APA), and the Modern Language Association Style (MLA) .
Hyphen vs Dash
The Hyphen looks like this -
The Dash looks like this – OR —
Dash is a short horizontal line like the hyphen but is longer. It has two versions: a shorter en dash –, which is longer than the hyphen; and the em dash —, which is longer than the en dash.
Note: The minus sign is longer than the en dash but shorter than the em dash.
The Hyphen
Hyphens are the smallest of the three and are primarily used to connect words or parts of words. According to both the CMOS and MLA, hyphens are used to join compound modifiers, such as in well-known or high-speed, where multiple words together describe a noun. For instance, in a well-known fact, the hyphen clarifies that "well" and "known" together modify "fact." If you omit the hyphen, it is less clear.
However, be aware that hyphens are not used with adverbs ending in -ly. So, while a well-organized event takes a hyphen, a highly organized event does not.
Another common use of the hyphen is for word breaks at the end of a line of text, but this is often managed automatically by modern word processors, so it's less of a concern for most writers.
The En Dash
The en dash is slightly longer than the hyphen and typically used to indicate a range, such as between numbers. The CMOS suggests using the en dash for ranges of dates (e.g., 1999–2003) or page numbers (e.g., pp. 50–65). It's important to note that CMOS recommends omitting the en dash in cases where you precede the range with words like "from" or "between." For example, you would say, "The meeting will take place between 3 p.m. and 4 p.m.," not "between 3 p.m.–4 p.m." Be it a span of years or an interval between pages in a citation, the en dash denotes inclusion from start to finish.
The en dash can also be used to show connection or contrast between two related ideas, especially in compound adjectives. For example, in CMOS, "the liberal–conservative debate" uses an en dash instead of a hyphen because it connects two distinct but related terms. MLA is less explicit on this, but many academic writers follow this practice for clarity.
The Em Dash
The em dash is the longest of the three, and it often takes the place of commas, parentheses, or colons. You can use an em dash to set off a parenthetical thought within a sentence—like this—where commas might feel too weak or cluttered.
How is using an em dash different from a comma in such a sentence? Em dash adds a bit of dramatic emphasis! For instance, in the sentence 'The results were clear—nothing had gone as expected,' the em dash creates a pause that emphasizes the conclusion.
Another useful tip is that em dashes can replace a colon when introducing an element with more flair. Instead of saying, She brought three things: books, snacks, and her laptop, you could say, She brought three things—books, snacks, and her laptop. This substitution is especially handy when you want a softer, less formal transition.
Here is a short table with some common uses of these punctuation marks.

There are some differences according to various style guides in these usages.

Examples of Style Guide–Specific Rules and Regional Preferences for Hyphens and Dashes:
 The CMOS leans slightly more toward flexibility in creative expression, especially with the em dash, while the MLA emphasizes formal precision and consistency.
CMOS is more lenient about spacing with em dashes, allowing writers to omit spaces on either side, though both options are technically correct as long as consistency is maintained. MLA typically prefers no spaces around the em dash.
Recommends using hyphens for compound modifiers and en dashes for numeric ranges.
Allows em dashes with no surrounding spaces.
AP Stylebook:
Avoids en dashes entirely, preferring hyphens for ranges and em dashes (with spaces around them) for parenthetical elements.
MLA Handbook:
Similar to CMOS, prefers en dashes for ranges and uses em dashes for parenthetical elements without spaces.
APA Style:
Uses en dashes for ranges and em dashes for interruptions or emphasis, often with no surrounding spaces.
Em dashes: No spaces on either side (e.g., AP, CMOS). Some publications use spaces for readability.
En dashes: No spaces in ranges; some publishers may add spaces in certain contexts (e.g., British usage).
Hyphens: No spaces are ever used.
Regional Variations:
British and European style guides often favor en dashes for appositional phrases where Americans use em dashes. (e.g., My brother—a talented guitarist—is performing tonight.)
North American style guides (e.g., AP, CMOS) predominantly use em dashes for abrupt breaks and emphasis.
Methods to Insert En or Em Dashes in MS Word:
Insert Symbol: Use the "Insert" option in Word's ribbon to select and insert en or em dashes from the "Symbols" or "Special Characters" tab.
Tip (Windows OS): For inserting em dash while working on a browser or applications other than MS word, you can open the emoji picker by pressing Win+. or Win+; on your keyboard. These symbols are also available in the emoji picker in the third tab.

Keyboard Shortcut: Use keyboard combinations:
En dash: Ctrl + Minus
Em dash: Ctrl + Alt + Minus
AutoFormat: Automatically create dashes while typing:
En dash: Word + Space + Hyphen + Space + Word + Space. (Hyphen will be converted to en dash with space on either side)
Em dash: Word + Two Hyphens + Word + Space. (Em dash will be inserted without space on either side)
Copy and Paste: Copy an en or em dash from another document and paste it into your desired location using Ctrl + CÂ and Ctrl + V.
I hope this article helps you understand how to use hyphens and dashes correctly in your writing. Once you master their proper usage, you'll notice a significant improvement in the clarity and effectiveness of your writing. A final tip: use em dashes sparingly and only when necessary. Overusing dashes, especially em dashes, can make your writing appear cluttered.